AgriNet HerdApp

Are you getting the most out of your HerdApp?

How's my average daily gain?   Why bother to record animal weights? A few reasons may be...

How's my average daily gain?
Daily gain 1.png

Why bother to record animal weights? A few reasons may be to monitor feed efficiency, weight gain or to administer correct dosage rates to stock. A big one for many is to see if stock are on track for target breeding weight. Maybe you only weigh animals to be compliant for schemes?

Whatever the reason, allow AgriNet HerdApp to help you with the recording of this data. When you have an animal on the scales type their number in & record their weight.

Set targets for dairy replacement heifers or other breeds at calving and AgriNet HerdApp will track this progress effortlessly. AgriNet HerdApp will tell you the animals average daily gain since the last weighing.

As you are recording weights you are building up a picture of the animals performance. Having this information easily at hand allows you to make more informed management decisions. If an animal is underweight or overweight you can act to draft the animal out of the crush.

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Research has shown for every half-hour spent sorting and loading cattle, their weight will shrink by up to 0.5 percent. Therefore it is important for stock to be moved as efficiently as possible during weighing process. Having this animal information available on your phone can massively aid the recording process and decisions after.

Let AgriNet HerdApp help you with weights recording.

AgriNet assisting Irish farmers manage herds for almost 30 years

AgriNet HerdApp is the new standard in farm herd management designed to link your herd directly to ICBF and Agfood from your smartphone. It’s all about speed and simplicity and getting all the basics done quickly while outside. AgriNet Herd App is owned by Irish Farm Computers Ltd, based in Co. Meath who own AgriNet Herd Master the PC version of the herd management software. AgriNet have been catering to farmers herd management needs for the last 26 years. AgriNet have built up a quality team of customer support and sales staff along with a loyal customer base. Farmers can be reassured that HerdApp is tried, tested & trustworthy.